Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm It!!!! Plus I'm Late as Hell!!!!!

I'm a tag virgin, but Jaybee and Canon tagged me. Since I've been rude for too long by not posting in a long time I had to finally finish this!!!!!

Here are the rules:

1. Link the person who tagged you…

2. Mention the rules in your blog…

3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours

4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them

5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

Here are some unspectacular quirks about Cherry's Kid:

1. I'd rather text someone than call them. Sometimes while I'm talking I forget what I'm saying in the middle of the sentence and never complete my thoughts. With all of that said, I hate when people do the same to me and I often curse them out for it.

2. I pride myself on not looking down on people and not talking down to them but often I've been told that I can be very snobbish and rude if I don't know someone. It's not meant to be that way, I just don't let people get too close so I'm often rude until I like them.

3. I watch CNN News every morning and the Weather Channel. That is the only news that I watch. I don't watch the local 5, 6, 7, 10, or 11 o'clock news. I just watch that so I don't know what is going on in my neighborhood....so sad!

4. I was supposed to be named Delta-Laverne Nicole ****** only because my dad likes Delta Airlines...luckily my mom is smart and changed my name.

5. I live with my mom ... I've always lived with my mom... I moved out twice, I went to college then I moved back... then I moved out with a guy....then I moved back home... So I figured next time I move out it should work. 3rd times a charm right?

6. I have a son...not really...I have a dog but I tell people that I have a son. You want to know why, cause I really have to feed, bath, and clothe the little n*gga and he's bad as hell. He bites and growls. He's the type of kid I think I would have. The one that whines and cries when other people pick him up, doesn't eat anything other than bananas, and is just plain mean to other little kids. So I tell people I have a son, I even call his cage daycare. So if I'm on the phone in the morning I tell people I have to call them back cause I have to put my son in the daycare so I can go to work. LOL!!!!

There Jaybee I finally finished it!!!!
So there you have it. Some uninteresting quirks about me. I’m tagging:

X, My Cuzzie, Jamiel, Kutie Boots, and RJ

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Why Am I Running?

I'm in Philly for the weekend and this is what happened...So before I came to Philly my coworkers and I had a conversation about anal sex. As much as I am open to sexual experiences, seeing that I lost my virginity at 14 and I tend to think that I may be a little superheadish...well I don't do anals! 30 and I had sex one day and he put his thumb there and that shut down sex for the night!!! Anyway, I'm kind of prudish when it comes to certain things. So my coworkers were saying that I have to lighten up so I tried. It's dinner time, I'm in Philly, we're in the house watching a movie and you know it started popping off, next thing you know there's a finger in my ass. It was okay but what happened afterwards was not cool!!!! Not at all!!! We finish up, we shower, then we hit dinner. We come back and we're watching the rest of the movie. We both start falling asleep on the couch. Then it's like okay I'm going to get in the bed. I get ready to change my clothes. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the way, I'm glad I have a big makeup bag where I carry everything in it. Well, I go into the bathroom, close the door and my stomach starts. I know when I've eaten something I shouldn't. As soon as I'm done eating, like 20 minutes later it feels like I have some type of alien in my stomach that is trying to rip out. So I said in my head oh shit, i have the runs and i'm out of town!!! Now I don't know how long you guys have been reading, but 30 and I have not known each other long enough for me to shit at his house. So I turn on the shower cause I'm like fuck it I got shower now. I sit down and my whole life is pouring out of me...I know this is so nasty but this is what happened!!! So now I'm flushing the toilet like 3 or 4 times and I'm praying to God he is still sleep on the couch so he can't hear it. Even more, I'm praying that this bullshit odor nuetralizer he has works.

Now why was I so nervous, well 30 has decided that he wants to start toileting with the door open while I'm here. Dude is getting comfortable. Like for example, I'm in the living room now and he's in the shower to my left with the door open. I'm only blogging in the living room because the wireless connection is better out here. Ps. he doesn't know I have a blog. So that was is why I'm nervous as shit... So I have figured out why I never do the anal thing. You let someone stick a finger up there and next thing you know you're shitting your whole life away!

It's a nice day, I'm think I'm going to ask if we can go to the park, talk later guys!!!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


LOL! This is so off topic...but I have an anonymous commenter...He/She has been commenting forever for me since I started out back in 05 but I don't know who this person is...they always say at the end...You know who it is...but I never do...I've asked some of my friends if it was them but they all said no...I just wanted to send Anonymous a little shout...haven't heard from you in a while hope all is well!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I Goes Left!!!!

Some of you who know me read and some of you who just read don't know me. But when I get mad...I GO LEFT. No seriously, I GO LEFT!!!!! I black out forget who I'm talking to and loose my damn mind and just start arguing with people. And on top of all of that I don't like when you don't want to argue back or something. And I go left so bad that everyone gets it grandma, mom, boyfriend, not boyfriend, best friend, and even the random ass crackhead on the corner!

Okay so here is where I went left. Like I said before, yes I'm dating 30 but I'm open to dating other people. Well here is well I decided there is a lot of bitchassness with guys now and I'm not sure if I want to date anyone else other than 30. So there was this music producer guy...and yes he was really a music producer guy and we were kicking it on the phone but our schedules never matched up. Finally today our schedule made it. Class got cancelled for me and he ended up being sick. So I was supposed to go to his house. He started with the ambiguousness too much!!! From the jump dude was like OK I can't really tell you where I live cause it's so new but my complex has everything!! So then I'm getting upset...I don't do all of that...if you are going to beat me in the head about coming to see you well be up front. I live here, I have this, I do this, don't give me that shit about Google me and shit....He did all of that!!!

Like I said before if one person gets me angry and you come along and say something that makes my anger worst...well you get the brunt of it all...and that's what happened. My uncle is a crackhead. He's been a crackhead since I was born. He's functional. He goes to work, doesn't steal, pays rent, and occasional will do you a favor for some extra cash. Well he wanted to get this new stimulus package and wanted me to file his taxes. I did the taxes but I didn't print out the thing for him to sign. The taxes by the way were e-filed he only needed to sign the paper cause I don't have an e-file pin number. My grandmother came over last night and was bitching about I didn't do it! My mother is yelling, she's yelling, and on top of all of that Music Producer is like hurry up...but as he's talking I realize that he's in the car not home sick like he should be. I print out the shit give it to my grandmother, as she's still bitching, I tell her to fall back I get in the car. Now mind you all of this is going down at 9pm. I wanted to be sleep by 10pm so now I'm mad, cause Music Producer Dude was even like well spend the night...nigga please!!!! Just cause you a music producer don't mean I'm giving it up right away!!! I don't give a shit....and that's where I started going more left!!!

Then he calls me as I'm driving like hurry up...yet he still isn't home but he's supposed to be home sick with some throat thing? I'm almost completely left. Then he calls back and all of this is while I'm driving there to some ambiguous place in a town and county I don't know well enough, he goes let's go out to eat. I snapped, wait you are supposed to home sleep why the fuck are you at a restaurant, you told me to come out in a thermal and sweatpants, what the fuck I'm not going there and .... he jumps in and says well just go to my house ... so I snap again go to your fucking house that is on some random ass street and some ambiguous neighborhood? *side bar clearly the word ambiguous was my shit yesterday!!! side bar over* Next thing you know I hear CLICK!!!! So I'm like OK...he lives in a random ass county and their cell reception probably isn't that great. I called back and left a message. I said look I don't know if you lost reception or hung up but you need to call me back. No call back happened. I called my girl Shaun immediately and told her what was going on.

Here is where my theory develops. I think that there are too many woman to men out there and guess what, woman know that so they let men get away with bitchassness. If a dude hangs up on me it's a wrap!!! That's a bitch move...only bitches hang up!!! So I said okay, I'll drive to the restaurant and hit him with a text on his crackberry, if he doesn't answer then I'm hitting the nearest u-turn and going home. I did that. He called me after the u-turn and said okay, so where are you? What are you serious? I said I'm going home, I called you when I reached the restaurant but I'm out. He was like why. I said because I believe you hung up on me. Dude was so bold and was like yes I did. I said ok therefore you're not that sick, you're in a restaurant, you're doing something else, and on top of all of that you hung up on me. He said well you were cursing and you went left real fast. I said ok, I was mad and part of it honestly wasn't for you but you got it. So now what? He said ok well turn around. No dude you don't understand you hung up...if you couldn't stand me on the phone why do you want to see me in person? He sat there and was like well I still want to see you just not when you're left. I said okay well apologize for hanging up. He said no. I said I'm not turning around. He sat there for a second and said ok so what's next are you driving here. I said I'm driving but not there. He then said ok and clicked again! See, another bitch move....dude can loose my number now! I don't hang up on people cause I know how that shit makes me feel but he hung up on me twice and still wanted me to come. See that means he's spoiled and women always let's him gets whatever he wants!!! Not a good look, then you have a bitch of a dude! There should only be one spoiled person in a situation/relationship/fucking. See with me and 30 there's only one spoiled person who can go left, hang up and stuff like that and THAT'S ME!!!! I know this for a fact cause I've gone left on 30 at least 3x now and he has sat there like a man took it, apologized, and we kept it moving!

Dudes need to get over this bitchassness that they are on, I'm not that chick. I know there are too many woman out there and if a woman pisses you off you can just move to the next. Well guess what guys, I get offered dick everyday!!! I may look cute and innocent on blog or my photo but my swag is crazy. Dudes come at me every day...I don't need just one particular dude and I don't have to sit around and take crazy shit!!!! I get offered dick every damn day...now you hung up on me...be ready to know that you can never speak to me again!!! Grow up, get over it cause I went left so what!!!!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm So Mad I Have to Blog!!!!

That's right I'm mad. I'm a pretty calm person and I barely get mad!! I mean don't get me wrong I get mad but I don't get angry where I want to argue or blog at that!!!! So here's the problem. Last night 30 came up from Philly to stay with his mother. She wanted him to fix some things around her house. So I picked him up from the local train station cause his car is acting up. I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner and he said no that he already ate but I told him that I cooked. He asked for a plate. I made the best shrimp, broccoli, and linguine. I packed it up, picked him up, and we headed to his mother's house. She was conveniently at work. I sit in the den and started to watch TV. His mother's dog *side bar which compares nothing to my baby Bamboo...yes I have a dog, a Lhasa Apso...I know, you just knew that I had a toy dog side bar done* came in and I started petting him. 30 came and sat next to me. He thought the dinner was good but what happened next? Well, I ANOTHER ALLERGIC REACTION but this time, this time, this time my two eyes swell up and shut! YES DAMMIT THEY SHUT!! He yells 'oh my God. Okay, let's get you home so you can take the medication the doctor gave you." But me not wanting to be dependent on him, I say no, no eat your dinner I'll drive myself home you're fine. So I drove approximately 3 miles home with one swollen shut eye and another swollen eye but forced it open. I got home jumped in the shower, took 2 benedryls, 1 allegra-d, and slapped some more of that allergy cream all over my face and neck. By the way, he saw the allergic rash on my neck and said wow!

So here is where I get mad. He said okay babe stay home go to sleep I'm going to go out with my cousins and come sleep with you later. I agreed but he called me at 2am and 2 benedryls and 1 allegra-d does not equal waking up for any noises. Long story short, I slept alone for the first weekend in a while. So I go to internship today...
*side bar I only have 2 more days of internship left meaning I graduate in 4 weeks!!!! Yay, no more Grad School!!! side bar over* and I texted him and he said that he wanted to do dinner and movies after he was done getting fitted for his tux for his cousin's wedding and doing some of the things around the house for his mother. I get home at 4, still no 30. At 7pm when I was done washing my hair, blow drying, curling, and primping, still no 30. At 8 when I woke up from my nap, gave myself a pedicure, grab something quick to eat and let the dog in, still no 30. Now it's 9:15pm and I call 30, he says hey babe what's up. Let me go back so you get the full reason why I'm mad! My Godmother called me today and said she was having a spring bbq! My Godmother's family and friends are the best and I always get a gift when I go...well I turned her down at 3pm when I was told that I was going to get a movie and dinner tonight!!! So I'm heated now!!! Cause my Godmother lives about an hour away and it's 9:36pm!!! What the FUCK!!!

Now it's 9:36pm and he says, I'm sorry I didn't know you had cancelled plans, I just got home. I'm going to talk to my mom real quick to see what else she needs to me to do. What time do you want to go? My reply was what? No you fix your schedule and get back to me. He goes well I really wanted to see that movie, then his thoughts trail off somewhere. He asked how long I've been home and I say since 4:30pm. He then says what about Sunday? I said no, cause Sunday is my day where I set up for my party. I guess he thought since I spend most Sundays with him it would be alright for a Sunday date, but I spend Sundays with him cause I'm in Philly...I will not give him my Sundays in Jersey!!! He said to call him back in 10 minutes he'll have a schedule then...It's been ten minutes and I've called him already...He didn't answer!!! Okay, so here it goes down. I don't do let downs and I don't do schedule rearranges. If you ask me to do something I'm there don't have me waiting around all day... Having me wait causes you to loose what you like the most, me! I walk away from people who are not sensitive of my time. That's it...I'm officially not feeling 30 anymore!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ebola, Rashes, Missing Gums

My friends all know that I'm the sickest person alive...I don't mean dope!!! I mean I'm the sickest person alive! I'm always SICK!!!

The first time I knew that I was sickly was when I was in college and I got a nasal infection because my roommate refused to turn off the air conditioner. Then there was the food poisoning from the cafeteria. Then the continuous allergies. Then there was the fractured shoulder. Then there was the fractured finger. Then when I first moved back home there was the time that I had the flu, strepe throat, and bronchitis. Yes, to where I was hospitalized, ended up with a deviated septum, holes in my gums, and a constant asthma pump I have to carry. Ended up having to take steroids to get my gums back right. Then there was the constant throat infections and ear infections. Then the athlete's foot from the pedicure spot. Then there was the psoriasis roseasha (did I spell that right?) which started off looking like ring worm but was in fact a rash from stress that I now have to monitor regularly so it never comes back, basically keeping my stress levels low. Then there was the multiple bladder infections. Then the kidney infection.

And finally, yesterday morning I went to work and my coworker said ill what's that on your neck? I replied, is it a hickey? Coworker said, no bitch...it's some indiscriminate rash!!!! That's right now I have some random ass rash on covering my entire neck...and it might not be a rash, cause it doesn't itch, it's not spreading so now I just have all these rash like bumps all over my neck!!!! WTF now! So I'm going to the dr. to find out if I'm okay. Every time I go to the doctor, I have to say don't judge me but I got something else. My doctor cracks up, but really does he think I'm dirty cause I'm always sick? I don't know how I get all of these things...my immune system is just weak as hell!!!! This is my life, I work, play, school, party, work, get sick then repeat! It's so bad that several of my friends from college call me Ebola Girl!!! Someone help me!!!

My job has new policy that they have to know why you are calling out sick. If you provide a dr. note you have to have on it why you are out sick and how long you will be. If you call then you have to tell why you are calling out. I was so mad when they said this...that is a violation of my personal health rights. And trust me I argued it in the office meeting and it didn't seem to go anywhere. So I decided that I would make them regret trying to come up with that particular policy. Well, when I noticed the rash I immediately called the dr. got the appt. and called my supervisor.

My Supervisor yes Cherry's Kid.

Me I have to go to the dr. in the morning so I need a half of day.

My Supervisor why?

Me I have a rash....do you want to know where?

My Supervisor um no, just fill out the paperwork

Me you sure cause I could come show you too!!!

My Supervisor no, I'm good. Just fill out the paperwork.

So I'm going to the dr. now...inform you guys of what Ebola virus I have now!!!!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Am I Sprung?

T-Pain - I'm Sprung
Uploaded by Fifty-Dirhams

Yes how did I get here? That's the question I am asking myself today!!! I mean really how could 30 have me like this? This is how I knew I was sprung today. I had to make a major business decision since that fight at the club on Sunday. I had to basically decide if I wanted to drop one of my partners because the club owner no longer wanted to work with him but wanted to continue to work with the rest of the team.

Well I was confronted with this situation and I did the normal thing. I thought about the possibility of continuing on without him, how would we manage, and etc. Once I was able to conceptualize everything I rode out with the decision but then I felt some loyalty to my boy so I paused and asked the opinions of a close few. But guess who ended up in that close knit group? 30! Yep that's what I said...I consult 30 on what I should do. He basically gave me the same opinion as everyone else...yes dude is my boy but business is business and I owe only loyalty to my money!

But really? I'm consulting 30 now on my money issues. But he was so supportive to me. He was there for me and I think that's when I started to like him even more!!! Still no butterflies or stomach problems when it comes to hearing from him, just normalcy but still in all, I know that he's there for me...

By the way, did I mention that 30 has a record? Like shot someone when he was 20 and use to hustle heavy but got out before he was ever got caught with any charges. That's when I knew for sure that there is something about me that screams...All Dope Boys Please Holla!!!! I knew it then!!! I must have some secret scent that only appeals to dope boys that they come from miles away to holla. Long story short, if you want a dope boy, come hang out with me for a weekend, I'll introduce you to at least 5!

Ps. I still don't want kids but I caught myself in class today writing out the names of 30 and mine potential children...damn now I'm scribbling 30's name in my notebook in grad school when I should be learning about Developmental Delays!!!! Damn, Damn, Damn!!!!

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Escape to Philly .... Again!

This weekend I went to Philly and I had another great time!!! It started out a little confusing at first. 30 and I were texting back and forth all week with the innuendos of can't wait to see you and how nice the last weekend was. He said Friday that he wanted to come up to stay in Jersey. I declined his self invitation. I definitely did not want him on my turf. It's not like I'm dealing with anyone else...well I'm open to dealing with anyone else but it's just that I like my space. It's nice to know that I can deal with him when I want to and when I don't. And it's not like I don't want to see him every day....wait I think that is it...I don't want to see him everyday. I don't get that feeling down in the bottom of my stomach where I get butterflies and queasiness in regards to seeing him or even talking to him. It's kind of this normalcy that scares the shit out of me. Why am I so comfortable with him?

I'm not sure if you guys know or not but I'm afraid of commitment. The few times I have been in relationships, serious ones, I was always hurt in the end. I felt like I gave too much. Not saying I want to be in a relationship with 30 cause really we're just trying to see where this is all going...actually I'm just trying to see where this is all going...he for some reason I think knows where it's going. Either way, we went on another group date...*side bar* I'll post about that later because do I really have a stamp on my head that says every date I go on for 2008 needs to be a group date? I haven't been on a single 1-to-1 date since 2007. *side bar over* Okay, so we're out to lunch with his friend and female friend of his friend. We're all talking and they are basically like, when are you getting married...It felt so awkward. They laughed about how he was going to be the 60 year old in the club. Okay, so he'll be 31 this year...I just turned 25 in January, and yes although I graduated high school and college early and if you ever had a substantial conversation with me you would pit me as 28...but the fact of the matter is I'm 25!!!

Moving along, last weekend at lunch...*side bar* why do all of these crazy comments come at lunch on Sundays? What is the Lord trying to say? *side bar over* his sister says aw a baby is staring at you [to me] that means you're going to have kids soon. I said no I don't think so...but in my mind I'm like please I avoid children like the plague!!!! Child are like cancer!!! I'm good...then she turns to him and says when are you going to have children I need nieces and nephews...he starts to laugh.. All of these comments he laughs off! What the hell? Why are you laughing who are you in love it? It can't be me! I might have turned you out or something but damn come on now...sexual satisfaction does not equate love! I mean we just got over that awkward first beginning shit you know. Now we're just having PDA. Which by the way I do not condone public displays of affection, don't hold my hand, don't kiss me, matter of fact can you walk at least a 1/2 foot to the left or right cause you're invading my personal space if you don't. But for some reason it feels so natural with him. We were in the club [Fusion] Friday night and he put his arm around me [big no-no but I didn't stop him didn't feel too bad] then he kissed me on my cheek...IN THE CLUB!!!! And what did I do, blush!!! Very shocked at myself...normally I would immediately back up ask what the f*ck was wrong with him and probably go to the bathroom and wash my face! Okay that's a little extreme but it's me!!!

Wait I think I just worked something out in my head...why am I worried about them asking him that? No one said he had to marry me? No one said he wanted kids with me? Look at me jumping ahead in my own head! Maybe I do like this guy? I don't know! I'm so confused...where is the butterflies, the sinking stomach, the .... why is this feeling just so normal...is it supposed to feel normal? I've always questioned have I ever been in love before and if I haven't how will I know what it is when it comes. See dealing with any guy I've always had the butterflies, sinking feelings, and giddiness...with him...I have normalcy. It doesn't feel routine but it feels just like a regular damn day in the neighborhood...Where is Mr. Rogers when you need him to explain something to you with the damn chu-chu train?!?!?

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Why Hood Is Like Oil to Water

I did see the 30 this weekend but I'll post later about that...My hand still hurts from punching a dude and a my face hurts from getting punched by a chick. Okay let me be more specific. I promote parties as a side hustle to make money for graduate school. Anyway, someone approached me and my team a while ago to throw a party on my night. I never do a collaboration on a Sunday night...my team does it dolo [solo for those outside of Jersey]. But the money they gave was right and the shit they were talking about their type of crowd fit mine. My crowd fyi is very 30 and up and I mean like no shit talking, just came out for a drink and to vibe to some good music, no problems, everyone knows everyone, hugging laughing all that.

Well last night was not that type of night. First off, I get there late because I left Philly late. By the time I get there my team sets up already with the other team. I walk in the door check everything then open my doors. There is two girls at the door. One taking money for one group and another taking money for my group. The type of people that were lined up outside made me want to just shut the shit down immediately but my partners kept saying...give them a chance, give them a chance. Then it happened people was arguing about mandatory coat check, dudes was coming in saying I don't' own a button up...Then one of my long time customers got snuck by a dude. He knocked her ass out. I mean she was passed out on the floor. I honestly thought she had fainted cause it was hot so I went to help her up when her friend said fuck that we pressing charges. I'm like what the fuck happened. The cops came back couldn't find dude cause the girl left without giving us a description.

I shut the door down at 1am then went in the club and went in my vip section to find some girls drinking my liquor and dancing in my area. When I ask them to leave they like you just the coat check bitch. I'm like no ho!!! Yes HO!!! I'm the fucking promoter this my shit...matter fact fuck that get the fuck out!!!!! Then some dude comes up to me like you can't throw them out and he gets in my fucking face. Oh I'm so heated just typing this shit!!! So I get them the fuck out then I get my peoples in their VIP spot I leave cause I'm like fuck it I'm back to the door. Then dude grabs my ass and says hey. N*gga get the fuck off me. So I grabbed his arm and said don't touch me. He grabbed my ass again so I snuck his ass!!! Then the bouncer threw him out!!! It was like what fucking crowd is this shit!!!!

Then at the end of the night, the guy we let jump on the party with us his boy got drunk and was arguing crazy hard at the door all fucking night long!!!! It was so annoying. Then the party is over. We're handing out the coats...a fucking fight breaks out. I get pinned between two coat check racks...The fight comes into the coat check I'm on the floor I get back up and half the coats are gone...people started snatching coats...I'm like Oh Shit!!! At the end of the night this one girl's coat was gone and she argued with me. I was like were you here when the fight was in the coat check? She started saying she was going to fuck me up, she was going to take my coat, do something about it. At the end it was like fuck you bitch do something then...and she did...she hit the shit out me!!! She got thrown out too. And did I mention...the other team ran out without cutting us a share of their money!!!!

I'm so mad...never again...never ever ever ever again!!!! This is why the hood can not come to the suburbs. I maybe sounding a little classicist but honestly this is why there isn't shit in the hood now cause they don't know how to act! And don't' get me wrong...I'm from the hood...I grew up in Newark, NJ then Elizabeth then moved to the suburbs...but the thing is...if you hood and you don't bring drama we cool but all that unnecessary drama is the worst! And I didn't have an attitude with anyone...my partners were on that fuck you shit last night I was trying to peace everything up. In the end the dude hit the chick cause he was high, the girl hit me cause she doesn't' know how to express her anger, the two dudes were fighting over beef from 6 years ago, and I hit the dude cause I don't want to be disrespected!!!

I'll do a post about my weekend later after I calm down...just had to get that off my chest.

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Saturday, April 05, 2008

30 Year Old Adventures

I'm was sitting here stalking all my friends in my head...yes the other Bloggers that I call friends in my head...Like I think we would get along in person if I actually knew them. Anyway, I just realized that I did not post what happened last weekend. I'm a little different, my real life friends actually read my blog as well. Let's just say I'm pretty bad at returning phone calls and sometimes text messaging situations can just get too long so I just blog and friends call me and comment. I'd prefer some comments on here too but I digress.

Anyway, last weekend was one of my Auxiliary Sister's Birthday. She has a boyfriend who lives in Philly so she decided to spend the weekend with him. I called and told her that I would come down so that we could go to dinner, her, her boo, 30, and I. She said cool but she wasn't sure what her dude was planning for her. I spoke with him and he told me the plans so it looked like I would just be spending the weekend with 30. After internship on Saturday, I got my hair done, packed up some quick items and drove down to Philly. I got there about 8pm. When I got there he lived in a nondescript neighborhood in an apartment building which was pretty nice with door service. It wasn't Center City like he described it but it was 5 minutes outside of Center City so I can't hate cause he wanted to call it that. I was so nervous...I just kept thinking, what if he's not feeling me!!! What if I'm fat!!! What if.... He met me at the door and walked me upstairs. We get to his apartment and it was immaculate!!!

Some of my girls knew that was going so the first thing I did was texted them..."either he lives with a female and she's out of town or he had an interior decorator"...my one friend wrote back or he's bisexual! I almost laughed out loud. There was a dude sitting on the couch that I didn't recognize. I got introduced to him, he was his barber. He put a movie on his 42" flat screen television, took my bag to his bedroom then got his hair cut in the kitchen. That's when I realized he was full of himself. The barber cut his hair then left. 30 said, I don't wait in barbershops so my barber comes to my house and cuts my hairs. I thought negative 1....you're not Diddy even though you look like an exact replica of him, you're not too good to sit in the barbershop. Then he sat down and asked what my friends had planned. They had texted during his hair cut that they decided to do a low key night inside the house. So I told him and he said that he had a nice Caribbean spot that he wanted to go to with me. We leave and go to dinner. He stated that he wanted to spot at some shops on South Street. We did and every store we went in he knew the person. On top of that every time we left a store he had to tell me who the person was, what they owned, and how they hooked him up. Negative 2....why are you name dropping, I don't care who you know...I'm trying to get to know you.

We went to dinner but as we were walking down the street his sister calls out from a car, 30! He tells his sister and her date to meet us at the spot. He then proceeds to tell me their relationship history. That was when I was like, dude is really nice, he's sweet, and stuff but what the hell!!!! And it hit me, he's insecure and clearly my lack of speaking and nonchalantness is killing him and he doesn't know what to do with the space of silence that is between us. It's not that I wasn't feeling him because I am...it's just that I'm quiet at first to get to know you. Negative 3....he felt the need to fill the silence with words.

Dinner was nice and I went with his selection of food choices but I hated my dinner. He was understanding and stated that it didn't' look like I liked it so he was sorry for suggesting it. I said it was cool, it was nice to see his style that's all, that's why I tried it. His sister was a little standoffish. That night was great. Of course you know it went down!!! And that I have no negatives or complaints. The next morning was even better!!!! Then he called his sister....

I can't stand group dates. The next day we went out shopping and to lunch with his sister. She was better and we actually held conversations and were making jokes with each other. I enjoyed it. We lost her for a moment and took a walk by ourselves through the park. It was beautiful! That's when I really started to like him. He stopped name dropping, he stopped showing off, and then everything was fine. Oh did I mention in the morning but he took 3.5 hours compared to my 1.5 hours to get dressed. Lunch was great and long story short...it was a nice weekend with it's ups and downs. He's on his way up here now...can't wait to see what happens...I'll post later

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I've Never Gave Much Insight

I never gave much insight into who I am... I've been pretty anonymous about what I look like, what Tri-State state I live in, and other things.... I realized I did that because I felt like my job would be conflicted or I would have some type of problems. But actually I don't care anymore!!! Because the job has annoyed me that much!

Here it is...this is who I am. I am a 25 year old woman, who may seem whore like but I just like alot of boys!! LOL! I live in Jersey, I work for a Gov't Agency where I do investigations on people, and I go to Grad school and I graduate in 1 month and 13 days!!!! And I'm an event planner on the side. That's me! It's it..and the photo on the side...that's me too!!! Except my hair is brown now and not black but it's me, my hair is still in a ponytail...LOL!!!

Who am I kidding, you know I'm no one special no need to hide anymore. No need to hide anymore but I don't care about the nature of my job anymore. They have annoyed me to the fullest potential that I'm willing to quit with no back up plan! Pause! I know I won't do that but damn can they get off me for a minute. I sit in an office with 14 other investigators in cubicles about 2ft by 5 ft and we talk. We go to each other's desks and talk we meet in the streets and talk, we go to lunch and talk, we go to clubs together. Shit we just all hang out but it seems like the supervisors don't want us to be cool. What I don't understand is why do they want to fracture us? We are investigators who go out into the world and are threatened by people every day, we get an id card and subpoena to walk around with and that's it!!! We have to be cool with each cause we need each other. I don't have a gun or a bullet proof vest! What if something happens and I need to call one of my co-workers to meet me somewhere. The supervisors don't leave the office to go out into the counties we do so I need my coworkers. Long story short they said that I talk too much to my other investigators and it is hurting their work! This is where I get mad! Why the f*ck are you addressing me...so what if I talk too much. I'm at MY desk, doing MY work, handing in MY work, you should address the person who isn't getting work done. You should tell them to talk t me but don't tell me not to talk the most you can do is say don't take so many breaks. And that was the exact statement I made and now...well let's just say now the Union is involved and they won't be f*cking with me again. But over all what the hell!!!

Now I never gave much insight...but this is my life besides all the party and bullshit that I do!

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Friday, April 04, 2008

I Can't Let Go

I wrote the post earlier today and I've been thinking about it all day!!! I can't let go.... I honestly can not think of one relationship that I have let go of. I am still involved with every single guy that I had a meaningful relationship with. I don't me I'm still involved like I'm still having sex with him. I mean I'm still emotionally tied to that person, either we're friends, we're still dating, I'm friends with their girlfriends or the girl they're dating now...either way...I'm still emotionally tied to them. I didn't think that was wrong until he called today.

The other day I contacted the changer to ask for some help on a charity event I'm planning. He gave me some pointers then hung up. He was very nice which was weird because we last spoke it was an argument. He called today to say that he can no longer speak with me, will not help me on the charity event, and prefers that I never contact him again. I was so shocked and surprised but I guess I understand somewhat. But I was mad that he said this. Like how dare you tell me that I can't talk to you, almost like an ownership type of role. Is that fucked up? I think so!!! Anyway, I agreed and I don't think I will be calling again.

What triggered all of this? My dad called. My dad lives out of the country and has since I was 3 months old. However my mom has always loved him like they are still married even though she's been remarried twice. My mom continues to talk on the phone with him, date him from abroad, and often go and see him. My dad that is. I think that the problem is that my parents have modeled an unhealthy way of breaking up because technically they have never let go of each. I think the problem is that I don't know how to let go. I go away for a while but then I always come back to foster some type of friendship. I don't know if I subconsciously think that if my exes aren't my friends then some way or another I'm loosing out but I need to let go. That's it I'm doing it! I'm going to let go. The next guy that it is over with well fuck it....it's just over no need to speak or be cordial afterwards. Shit I'm still holding onto my ex from high school helping him out in his marriage!!! I have got to let go!!!!

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For Some Reason I Still Think He's Mine

Hey it's been a minute...but I wasn't really doing anything...I mean I was going out, hanging with friends, shopping and shit...but honestly nothing interesting has happened. However, I thought it would be nice if I just let you guys know just f*cked up in the head I am. I have weird thoughts you know?

There was a guy I met when I was 18 years old. Ok here is some backdrop for you. I graduated high school at age 17. I started college at 17. At 19 years old, I was a junior in college. Okay now that that is clear for everyone we can proceed. At the time that I met this dude I was 19 and he was 18. He was a senior in high school. Please refer to the sentences above before you go urrr? He's about 5'9.5"...I like either short guys or really tall guys like 6'7"...weird I know....yellow, curly hair, and just BUILT!!!! Okay now that I've just started to fantasize about him! Wait I need a moment to myself!!

Okay moment done, anyway, so we'll call him Chico Stick! Boom! So Chico Stick had one of those mom's who just basically didn't care, he was dealing with a chick in college, he had a job, and got good grades. And my mom was like you're grown as hell, so Chico Stick was always at my mom's house when I was in college. Whenever I came home from college he was there. I mean whenever!!! Spent the nights, family events, you name it Chico Stick was there. But some how or another we lost contact and I fell in lust in college and stopped calling him or dealing with him. I moved back home and needless to say I haven't seen him until recently...ps. been home for like 4 1/2 years now. So he's a firefighter...did I talk about this before did I give you the details on him or did I just mention him. Where here's the f*cked up shit!!!

For some reason I think he still belongs to me. As much as I complain and yell, "he's not yours you're not his girl!!!!" to my friends and you guys, my friends in my head, really though Yo dude is mine though!!! Okay, so I throw parties...I'm a promoter...I let people in for free all the time. Chico Stick hit me up one day and was like yo you doing such-and-such's birthday party and I said yeah at XYZ Lounge. He said how much are you doing it. I said Chico Stick I'll comp you and your boys don't worry about it. He argued like naw don't do that whatever. I said no it's nothing. I should have known there that something wasn't right. I get to the party...I'm in the VIP and I look up to see Chico Stick and there's a chick dancing in front of him. I'm not possessive like that....I didn't want to run down and be like who dat....I fell back and laughed. I said oh that's cute she's dancing with dude that I'm about to go home with. Then it happened, she never walked away from dude. I walked past to check on people ask them how they were doing and shit and I grabbed his arm. I said hi how are you. I turned gave him a quick hug and side cheek kiss and she was still close up on him. That's when it hit me!!!! That's his girl. I didn't talk to Chico Stick for a week!

For real dude, I comp you and your boys but you bring yourself and your girl how shady is that. I checked the comp list later that night but he didn't use it...but still you shouldn't have taken me out on dates that I obviously thought were dates and you have a girl! Why do dudes go out with girls on dates when they have a girlfriend? I don't need no more male friends...I got enough dammit!!!!

So last night I go to an after work mixer that I do 5pm-11pm grown & sexy North Jersey...ps. X-Factor if you're in the area come thru to the events some time....He comes thru with his boys after he asked me for directions. They are all like Yo Chariferg!!!! I'm like hey ya'll and this muthaf*cka here. He was like yeah I have a girl, I'm not like other dudes I'm not going to lie. So Craig [Chico Stick - Craig is not his real name] why you calling me Craig!!!! For real though you calling me, taking me places, but you got a girl! He said well we lost contact but we here now!!!

FOR THE F*CKING RECORD - IF YOU HAVE A GIRL WE CAN NOT BE FRIENDS NOT IF I WANT YOU IN MY BED SOME DAY!!! How can I be friends with someone when they touch me I'm looking for the nearest bathroom to jump their bones? And why are you touching me...you know what that does to me!!! Oh I just want to give you a back rub...that is the quintessential way to say, I want to f*ck but I want to be nice about it and not come off as a perv so if I get you to undress by rubbing you, you'll f*ck me and feel good about it in the morning!!! Long story short though...he's still mine...if he wasn't he wouldn't be calling me...and that's my f*cked up mentality, I know he has a girl but I'm still going to go after him hard as hell!!!

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