Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm Back!!!!!

So I was gone for a minute due to some issues I was taking care of... Ambiguous right? Okay, so here it is and here is how it went...

*Phone Ringing*
"Yo" ~him
"Who is this?" ~me
"Who is this?"
"Where's M?"
"Yo is this C? Yo M got cuffed last night!"
"Who is this, I don't know this M dude! How did you get his phone?"
first rule when dealing with a trap star...YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!!!
"Yo this is his cousin and I'm picking his stuff up from the station."
"How did that happen?"
"Yo I don't know, but his bail is $100 K...He told me to ask you if you got anything on it."
silence from me
"What do you mean what do I have on it? I don't have anything on sh*t! I don't have any money."
"Yo well I'm gonna get at these spots to get him out you should make some calls and see what you can do!"
thinking in my head...who the hell am I?...what calls can I make?
"Alright get at me when you get something together, I already have 7k all we need is 3k more."
thinking in my head...we? where the hell did WE come from? it b/c I'm his main chick now all of a sudden I'm apart of this family thing?
"Alright C?"
"Okay, I'll call you back, I'll see what I can do."
I roll over and go back to sleep

He did get out that night but no real help to me...essentially he was let go...I don't know why but I think they are building a fed situation from him... So I'm back right, so here it is.... I think I have finally out grown my need to chase the bad boy...I think I'm ready for the real...but where are they? I have met some real character dudes out there but most of the time guys what the perfect picture. What I mean by that is that they want everything straight in their life before they come at you on some relationship stuff. So they want to be stable in their career, happy with their car, life, and etc before they bring you in to it. While women just want to share their life experiences with someone special in their life! So what is a girl suppose to do? Wait for dude to get ready for her? And what happens is dude is ready and then you're not ready for him at that time? Well, I met this guy again. I say again because I knew him briefly in high school but I wasn't that close to him...Anyway, we'll see how this goes but long story short, is he really ready? Or is this just a trial run before the real thing?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I Hate Driving

I literally hate driving but I do drive all the time because other people (in my mind) can't drive. I only trust a couple of people driving me places my friends V, Q, Tish, Ruth, Nicole, my Mom, my ex from the nation's #1 thugged out city Camden, and that's it! No one else not, even my father. My mom doesn't even trust him driving...not that he drives bad he just drives ignorantly. He got into the intersection one time and the light was yellow (by the way going only 15 mph) and then was like oh I should he stopped!!! A truck was aiming for them fast as hell, my mom had to shout on his ass, "Move the m*thaf*cking car now before we die!!" He did but he was scared of my mom for a little bit after that. You know old people.

Anyway, this is what happened after I went down South Jersey to see Camden (side bar - not the city, my ex... NO ONE IN JERSEY GOES TO CAMDEN UNLESS THEY WANT TO GET SHOT, KILLED, STABBED, OR CARJACKED ON PURPOSE!) Anyway, on my way back I was on the NJ Turnpike, when I got to exit 5 this Jeep Cherokee with VA plates got in the middle lane next to me. I was going about 80 mph (which is way over the speed limit of 65 mph) I decided I wanted to be in the middle lane so I sped up to about 90 to go in front of the Jeep when he matched my speed to make sure I couldn't get over. I was confused. So I fell back to about 70 mph to go behind him when he matched my speed again and stopped me. So I was like okay n*gga I'm sick stop playing around. Then he moved over to the far right which gave me the chance to take over the middle lane (**while saying that make the swoop down noise like a hawk snatching a rat** "ah aaah!"). Anyway, next I wanted to take over the right lane because the turnpike was about to split. For those who don't know in NJ the turnpike splits at exit 8A in NJ trucks/trackertrailers are not allowed (by law) to ride on certain highways with cars (ie, turnpike, parkway, etc). So I wanted to go on the truck side because there is always less traffic. This n*gga wouldn't let me do it! He played that driving game with me from exit 5 to exit 13 (once again there are about 10 miles between each exit until you get to exit 11). Even after this n*gga was on the car side of the turnpike and I was on the truck side he still played this game with me and we were physically separated by a median!!

"Yo, I'm from Jersey. I curse... a lot! I say son, yo, and B...a lot! It's also a sub, not a hero or a hoagie! The diner is a natural end to a good night out not the parking lot! The home of Club Music, North Face fanny packs/bags, dreads, and Gores (to name a few). I know how to drive... and tailgate. NYC is 'THE CITY'! I sure as hell don't pump my own gas...Akmad the gas attendant does it for me! I know what real pizza tastes like-& I know that getting a pie means pizza, not apple or cherry. All parties end with a fight! I don't go to the beach-I go down the shore. I judge people by what exit they live off the parkway or turnpike (ghetto, hood, suburban, or white trash). I know 65mph really means 80mph. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger & expect it. I don't wear red or blue cuz I know being caught in the wrong hood with those colors on WILL GET U SHOT!!!! I'm from JERSEY and I f*ckin love this place!!!"

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Inspired by Straight From the Streets

A blogger friend of mine Talia always does this bi-weekly blog called Straights from the Streets...well inspired by the things I see on my random trips to the hood for work and/or random I decided to write a few.

Saturday around 4:30a...I was walking down 25th in the City with my girls after the club...see Never Again!!!!! I was walking ahead of the pack and drunk dialing (side bar - friends should not dial drunk!!! I mean I called my ex and told him I loved him! Come on someone could have stopped me from doing that!) Anyway, so I'm walking on the phone and I look to my left there is a homeless guy. Normally I don't pay atttention to the homeless but this one was so? Because he had his Johnson out!!!! Yes, his salong was out! I started laughing in his face then after he said what he said I screamed and ran....well what did he say? I qoute, "I'm just a freak trying to swallow my own cum!" WTF!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday around 10:30a...I was driving to work late as hell and I took a short cut through the hood. While near the projects (shouts to Newark, NJ) there was this lady who decides to cross the street in front of my car during a green light. Well, the crazy thing was that she had on (in 80degree weather) a pink suede jacket with pink fur around the trim, white tube socks, flip flops, orange shorts, and a black tank top! WTF!!!!! Why do people walk around like that! And to make it worst this guy screams out where you going and she turned around and said, "Work Bitch!"

Some time ago, my girl L and I were driving down the highway to NY for what I don't remember but it was early in the day. We stop at a light in the hood (why the hell does the hood always have the crazy sights? Anyway, we look to the right and there is a lady about late 30s wearing black and hot pink sneakers, black spandex shorts (remember those?), hot pink mini pleat skirt, black tank top, and hot pink hair bows. That wasn't the crazy thing, the crazy thing was she was standing stuck on stupid. She was staring off in the distance away from the car with her mouth wide the hell open like she was trying to hear something from someone way down the street. She stood there for what seemed liek forever...we looked up and down the street but didn't see anyone. While she was standing there like that she dug up her butt, then scratched the front, then picked her nose. After all of that I almost passed out cause I was laughing so hard at her I didn't think I could take anymore until she seemed to have snapped out of her trace and took off in the opposite direction! All I have to say is that everyone should, Say No to Drugs!!!

Some Things I Wonder About....

These are just some things I wanted to get off of my chest....

-How come every time you put a weave in your hair the white people in your office want to ask if that is really your hair?
-How come whenever you're brown and your boss is beige (dictionary - white) they feel the need to listen to hip hop when you're riding in their car?
-Why do your co-workers always listen to you when you give directions is it because you are brown and you drive everywhere?
-How come the shows you watch are just so out there that they can't watch them?
-How come whatever you say goes because you're the only brown person in your office...are they really that scared of you?

These are just somethings that bother me....sometimes I want to tell a beige person or two in my office, "Ho sit down!" It is what it is though!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Never Again!!!!!

So this past Saturday my friend had her birthday party at a club that a famous person owns in NYC. I'm leaving names and places out because I don't think certain things should be revisited. Let's just speak a little about there was us (8 attractive young women) in the back VIP room with just random football, baseball, and other celebrities...mainly male. Long story short we got it popping in the back room but like I said some things don't need to be revisited. A couple of us had our first and a couple of us continued to do what we normally do in the back of the VIP room! I can't talk anymore about it because it may become too incriminating for certain people...let's just say we was dropping it like it was hot with some goose in one hand and the chief in the other!!!!!! But most of all I know that after we all recovered we all decided it probably won't ever happen again!!!