Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Some Things I Wonder About....

These are just some things I wanted to get off of my chest....

-How come every time you put a weave in your hair the white people in your office want to ask if that is really your hair?
-How come whenever you're brown and your boss is beige (dictionary - white) they feel the need to listen to hip hop when you're riding in their car?
-Why do your co-workers always listen to you when you give directions is it because you are brown and you drive everywhere?
-How come the shows you watch are just so out there that they can't watch them?
-How come whatever you say goes because you're the only brown person in your office...are they really that scared of you?

These are just somethings that bother me....sometimes I want to tell a beige person or two in my office, "Ho sit down!" It is what it is though!


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