Saturday, April 01, 2006

9 or Higher

Ok, so what does 9 or Higher mean...well I thought about it the other day and I haven't dealt with a dude who has been rated at a 9 or higher on a scale of 1 to 10 in a minute but I did the other night (side bar - the thing is I go for 7.5s and up because I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with a metrosexual guy) anyway...there is this guy who is a 9.5 and my friends all know him...shoot they've known him since middle school and well...we always saw each other but never tried anything. Word around town was that he was loose and I'm pretty sure word around town for me was that I was a tease or something else (but that's for me to know and you to find out). Anyway, we've been out a couple of times and the stuff was going good we were very honest with each other about the point in time we are in our lives. He stated he has an ex that he just broke up with not too long ago they were together for 2 years but she broke his trust and he doesn't want to be back with her. I told him that I'm chilling and really I have time but don't have time, I like to be spoiled and when guys don't spoil me the way I want them to I walk away. Also I stated sometimes I'm just not that into him after bullshit happens. So after a couple of dates and phone flirting (dictionary - phone flirting - n - numerous phone calls or text messaging that lasts for hours between two parties). WE ended up doing the do...and boy was the do great...actually it was probably the best do I've had in about a year or so. Anyway, I called him tonight...after my weekly coworker date (side bar - my coworkers and I go on dates with each other to the movies we actually enjoy each others' company) he shot me a text back which is normal...but what wasn't normal was the response...."I'm out with my ex now can I hit you back later?"...I said "sure do what you do call me whenever"...but really I wanted to say "why the hell are you out with that sneaky chick?" but I don't have the clout to say that...and really how can I say that I mean they do have a history! So now on a Saturday night ... my date is out with his ex and I'm blogging about it!... I know I can't show him my insecurity because that's part of the reason why he says he broke up with her...So here is my problem now what do I do?


At 8:29 AM , Blogger Jarrod said...

Maybe you're thinking too much into it. Of course that could be me taking the side of the man (which I kinda have to do since I am one). But on the flipside, maybe you two shouldn't have done it. Anytime there is a "thing" that might blossom into a relationship, you should hold off on sex. I now speak from experience when I say that early sex complicates things. But on a sidenote, it's funny how I find out all this stuff about you via the internet as do you about me. And do I know old boy?? Cause you know Roselle ain't that big.

At 6:54 PM , Blogger cherry's kid said...

Naw you don't know him...he's not from Roselle...he's from Scotch Plains but I've known him since high school.

At 10:48 AM , Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

Metrosexual perplex me also...LOL

At 4:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just came back to your blog after a long time are still crazy as ever, but on the and yall aint are probably just now the jump off.
-I'm sure you can guess who this is...

At 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »


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