Sunday, February 12, 2006

Maybe It's Me?

That's right, maybe it's me! I say this because I don't sweat dudes....that's right I don't sweat dudes! I'm tired of guys calling me thinking I'm going to drop every little detail I'm doing to make sure their life is right.... Okay, case example, on Friday night the weatherman came on TV and said that a Northeastern Blizzard was coming through the night of Saturday and lasting until Sunday. So a really nice guy that I liked a lot until this, well, he calls and is like on Saturday afternoon after you get your hair done you should drive me from NYC to Baltimore (where he lives). I thought about it truly then I thought back to December when it snowed and my rear-wheel drive car slammed into the median and spun 5 times before I hit the median again. All of that in the snow...and I decided to tell him that I couldn't drive him to Baltimore and to find another way there...what did he say? That we had fundamental differences and for me not to call him anymore, because I wouldn't drive him in the damn snow storm from NYC to Baltimore. Second case there is about 3 feet of snow (by now I mean today, Sunday) my bootycall...(side bar - I have a bootycall for those times that I don't want to deal with the bullshit of someone who may be "real" for a little while then fake later on)...but my bootycall called me and said that I should come over yes in the 3 feet of snow...and yes he clearly knows about that accident I had in December ... but overall, maybe it's me! Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that a girl should not drop everything in the world for some random ass guy that she is not involved with? Maybe I'm the only one in the world who thinks that guys should come to girls or make it easier for them? Maybe, I'm the only girl who thinks that I should sweat a dude just cause he knows how to use the penis? Maybe, I'm the only girl who thinks it's not all about sex! So no I don't want sex why should I drop everything I'm doing because you're willing to have sex with me? I'm not that beat! Now if a guy wanted me to drop everything I was doing so that he could give me a diamond necklace, take me out to dinner, throw me a picnic, take me to the moon, then maybe...just maybe I would drop everything I was doing for that! But then again, maybe it's just me?


At 7:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO you are right you should not drop everything you are doing. Truth be told no real man would ask you to come out in this weather

At 10:57 AM , Blogger Walt said...

Ok, see you're contradicting yourself (as most crazy people do), the blog entry right before is about you being prude and now you are talking about booty calls...come on cherry kid.
p.s. Sorry about not hitting you back on the B-day...I'll get you back.

At 11:26 AM , Blogger cherry's kid said...

Walt, I'm not contradicting myself...all women have a bootycall we just choose not to talk about them because what are they good for ... just that ... so no I don't expect much from him and he's been around since like 2004 but he's just always going to be relinquished to that position cause he sucks! as person he sucks!

At 7:33 AM , Blogger GreatWhyte said...

It is DEFINITELY not you!! Sometimes men have a tendency to forget that the world does not revolve around him, and they ask us to do things that are TOTALLY unreasonable Driving in three feet of snow to anywhere except the hospital to visit your sick mother would be ridiculous, and I'm sure (hopefully!) that in the harsh light of day, both of those guys realized that! But that NYC to Baltimore -ish was some BULL!!!!


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