Do You Deserve to be in VIP?
I never considered myself a connoisseur of the VIP status but I don't really party outside of the VIP section too much unless it's my party then I want everyone to see me but if I'm at another person's random party I want to be in the VIP. Well, one of my brothers is in the music industry. While in the ATL he was in the back of the VIP while I was in the club so I went to holla at him. I ended up staying back there the entire night with him talking and laughing at people. Let me fix this now, we were laughing at the other people in the VIP section with us, or atleast I was while he was telling me I was bad.... Anyway, next to us were a group of girls that were there - physical description - about six or seven of them and kind of on the heavy side...No! No! Not the thick side cause I'm on the thick side I mean the heavie side, and yes I spelled that right! Anyway, my brother had his R & B group in the VIP too...well it was towards the end of the night and there was way too much liquor left in our section so one of the dudes from the group goes over to the chuckie monkies and asked them if they wanted some of the liq. Now for those interested there was approx. one bottle each of the following: moet, don, grey goose, Hennessey, and some other stuff I've never seen before. Anyway, this is how I know I should have asked them this question: Do You Deserve to be in VIP? Well the dude goes over there with the don bottle and says, "Do you ladies want some of this because we can't finish it all?" The ring leader of the chunkie monkies said, "Yeah!" Then she proceeded to snatch the bottle from him and said, "Dis ain't even a black label! What the hell is this?" The rest of her friends started laughing and it looked like they crushed him... Well anyway, when he brought the bottle back I looked at the name and the vintage (circa 1983 - my yob) and I figured it was pretty good but damn it makes you wonder do bouncers need to start asking people before they go to VIP, "Do You Deserve to be in VIP?"
From my observations I havent seen to0 many Very Important People in my lifetime in VIP so what's the point..
I'm going to hate for a minute: VIP is just a scam to get random people to feel important for once in their lives. Instead of just mingling with us regular folk, they need to section themselves off from us. And it never really looks like they have fun in VIP. If it ain't fun, what's the point? Just to be seen in VIP, I suppose. BTW - I've never been in VIP. :-(
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