Thursday, September 01, 2005

Would You Give Up Your Religion for Me?

That's what I was asked the other day....Yes! Would I give up my religion to marry someone, not just anyone but this one particular person. Wait.....If you are really sensitive about the question of religion STOP READING RIGHT NOW AND GET BACK AT ME AFTER THE WEEKEND WHEN I HAVE A NEW POST UP!!!! That's when I had to call my girl LL, because she's a PK (dictionary - PK, noun, Pastor's Kid). We had a very long and philosophical conversation. I concluded that I wasn't sure if I could, both the Qu'ran and the Bible say that you should be of the same faith, "not to be of two yokes"...But questioning religion and don't get angry over this, but who is to say that any one religion is the right religion. What if there is only one religion and we all choose something else, meaning if the whole world practices the same religions they do now but there is another one that we have never known about and that is the right one and we are all damned to hell for not following it? Who is to say that any religion is the true religion and who is to say that we should even be religious? What if there is really no Heaven, Paradise, or etc? What if you just die and you're just dead? What if?

Would you give up your religion to marry me? I would have to solidly find a religion that I don't question in some way before I can say that I would give up my religion for you!!! There I answered it!!!


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